Lost Planet 2 - Fight With the Giant Akrids
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Hayden_H]Hayden H
Lost Planet 2 is the Shooter Game developed by Capcom. The Story takes place in the World of E.D.N. III. It is the Fictional place for Video Gamers which is covered with snow. You have to fight with the dreadful creatures called Akrid. These are the insectoid Aliens which belongs to that World. To destroy these creatures we should use special Armor like weapons called 'Viral Suits' which can withstand powerful attacks by akrids and to emit firepower to kill them. There are different kinds of Akrid Species which you will be facing in the Game at each Level.
In the Game, players can customize their dresses and other parts of the body and can even unlock Body types in the preceding Levels. The best part in Lost Planet 2 Game is the Multiplayer support of up to 4. You will loose your energy if you use any weapon which requires energy.
If you are about to loose your energy, the other players can make you alive by transferring some of his energy and make you alive.
The Giant monsters can be shattered with the help of Viral Suits, powerful Gun Weapons or by entering in to the intestine through their mouth. The Lost Planet 2 gameplay is split into six interrelated episodes in which each level has its own Story, weapons, creatures, heroes and at the final Level all the creatures will come together. The Akrids are made up of Organic body with curative powers. If any parts are destroyed, it can easily bring back them.
Albert Wesker who played a non-playable character in Resident Evil will take a lead role in this rel=nofollow [http://www.latestchoice.com/games/xbox-360/lost-planet-2-xbox-360/75/14919/productdetails.html]Lost planet 2.
Author: Hayden H
Site: View the Lost Planet 2-screenshots [http://latestchoice.livejournal.com/772.html]
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Lost-Planet-2---Fight-With-the-Giant-Akrids&id=3325790] Lost Planet 2 - Fight With the Giant Akrids